Project activities on a full scale – overview

PLAC III project continues the implementation of activities as envisaged in the work plan, with the necessary modifications in their implementation adapted to the pandemic situation. Ongoing activities relate to seven negotiating chapters.

Within the Negotiation Chapter 3, activities are underway to draft a strategy for the development of postal services for the period 2020-2024, as well as assistance in harmonisation of the umbrella law with sectoral laws in education (nurses), economy (crafts) and sport sectors with the EU Directive on Services. The third activity refers to the support in the identification of all services and professional qualifications in the field of environmental protection in accordance with the relevant EU Directive on Services.

Support for the harmonisation of state aid rules with Union acquis in environmental and energy sectors is an ongoing activity within the Negotiation Chapter 8, where expert support is also underway in the implementation of EU state aid rules in the field of financing of culture and media sector.

Within the Negotiation Chapter 9, two activities are underway: expert support for the harmonisation of legislation with Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014  on key information documents for packaged retail and insurance-based investment products (PRIIPs) as well as identification of priority areas for transposition and the main gaps between MIFID II and MIFIR Regulation and the relevant national legislation.

Onging activities in the Negotiating Chapter 12 include expert support for the drafting of legislation in line with the Union acquis on sprouts and seeds intended for the production of sprouts, in the implementation of legislation in line with Union acquis on the reduction of acrylamide in food, as well as in drating the Guidelines for border veterinary inspectors in the area of food fraud with an emphasis on fishery products.

Activities in the Negotiating Chapter 15 include assistance in further harmonising Union requirements in the field of radiation protection and nuclear safety area by drafting documents related to the authorisation of practices in the medical application of radiation sources.

The largest number of project activities is related to Chapter 27. Expert support is being provided for the transposition of Union acquis on packaging and packaging of waste, harmonisation of legislation on batteries and accumulators, waste batteries and accumulators, as well as assistance in the transposition of EU legislation in waste sector related to the end-of-life vehicles, including assessment of current legislative framework.  Project experts will also provide assistance on transposing Union acquis in waste sector related to environmental liability as well as in preparation of amendments to the Draft Law on climate change.

In Chapter 28, support is provided in drafting of amendments to the Guidelines on treatment of opiate addicts using substitution therapy, as well as in the assessment of national legislation and its compliance with Union acquis and drafting of harmonised legislation.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09